My debut book

Philosophical Religion

Part 1

My debut book is now available for purchase on Amazon.

In a radical departure from the Abrahamic faiths, Emerson, Thoreau and the Transcendentalist movement in 19th century Unitarianism saw the locus of religious authority as residing within the individual rather than a religious organization or sacred text….

Arthur Anderson

I am an independent researcher with a lifetime of frontline religious experience: as a PK – preacher’s kid -- growing up in Lexington, Kentucky; in my Christian-Jewish interfaith marriage; in my leadership roles at the First Unitarian Universalist Society in West Newton Massachusetts founded in 1848 by, among others, Horace Mann (often described as the father of American public education) and Nathaniel Allen who before the Civil War were on the cutting-edge of Transcendentalist educational thinking from their radical interracial coed…

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